
ASAG is a team with an extensive experience in the entitlement to Portuguese nationality is able to provide expert service in these matters.

With several representatives around the world, we ensure differentiated legal assistance.

The following are entitled to Portuguese Nationality:

  • Children of Portuguese citizens born abroad;
  • Grandchildren of Portuguese citizens born abroad;
  • Children of foreign citizens born in Portuguese territory, provided that one of the parents was born in Portuguese territory having also taken up residency;
  • Children of foreign parents born in Portuguese territory, provided that one of them resides in Portuguese territory legally for at least five years;
  • Children of foreign parents born in Portuguese territory, provided that one of them resides, even if illegally, in Portuguese territory for over ten years;
  • Citizens born in Portuguese territory not having other nationality;
  • Minor or disabled children of citizens who acquired Portuguese nationality;
  • Foreigners married to Portuguese citizens for more than three years;
  • A foreigner and unmarried partner of a Portuguese citizen for more than three years;
  • A person fully adopted by a Portuguese citizen;
  • A foreigner legally residing in Portuguese territory for more than six years;
  • A Citizen who has lost Portuguese nationality by declaration made when underage;
  • A foreign woman married to a Portuguese citizen prior to October 1981;
  • A Portuguese woman who has lost her nationality by acquisition of a foreign nationality, on the grounds of the marriage to a foreigner;
  • A Citizen who, prior to October 1981, has lost the Portuguese nationality by voluntary acquisition of a foreign nationality;
  • A Citizen born in the territory of Goa, Damão, Diu, Dadrá and Nagar Avel, before 20th December 1961;
  • Children of a Citizen born in the territory of Goa, Damão, Diu, Dadrá and Nagar Avel, before 20th December 1961;
  • A Citizen and respective descendants domiciled in the territory of former colonies at the date of their independence, provided that the citizen is covered by article 1 of Decree-Law No. 308-A775, of 24th June;
  • A Citizen born in the territory of former colonies, provided that the citizen was domiciled in continental Portugal or adjacent islands for more than five years, as of 25th April 1975;
  • The spouse and minor children of citizens as mentioned above;
  • Citizens born in the territory of Macau and its derivatives before November 21st November 1981, except if descendant of foreigners working in the territory at the service of their respective States;
  • Citizens born in the territory of Macau and its derivatives between 21st November 1981 and 20th December 1999, provided that one of the parents is Portuguese;
  • Descendants of a Portuguese father or mother born in the territory of East Timor before 20th May 2002;
  • Descendants of foreigners, born in East Timor before 26th April 1976, except if their parents were working in the territory at the service of their respective States;
  • Descendants of a Portugal´s sephardic jews.

Please visit our contact page for further information.